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HomeYouth Leadership Award

2024 Youth Leadership Award

2024 Award Winner
Nkosazana Burke-Douglas
Trenton Central High School

For civic leadership in her community.

Through her involvement in the Trenton Soup Kitchen, Nkosazana demonstrated her commitment to relieving food insecurity. She was also involved with HomeWorks Trenton, advocating for scholars' needs and representing the program on various media platforms to highlight their social justice initiatives. She engaged with the CYO of Trenton through her school's outreach program to develop and implement a curriculum for children aged 5-12, focusing on arts and crafts, team bonding, and literacy.

The League of Women Voters of Lawrence Township (LWVLT) is pleased to offer its Annual Youth Leadership Awards for 2024.

The LWVLT is part of a state and national nonpartisan civic organization open to women, men, and students. The League of Women Voters works to register voters, provide voter education, advocate for voting rights, and host public candidate forums.

Our 2024 Youth Leadership Awards are made to graduating high school seniors who exemplify youth civic leadership in their community. The award requirements are intentionally broad to encourage applications from students conducting non-traditional forms of civic action and civic education. Preference will be given to projects that align with the LWV values and mission. Please see our national website:

A committee of LWVLT members have made the award selections with the expectation that students apply the funds to their future educational endeavors. The recipient(s) have also been invited to address our members at our Annual Meeting in June 2024.

Questions? Email or phone our message line at 609-301-0401.

Youth Leadership Award Donations


2024 Award Winner
Alexandra Williams
Notre Dame High School

For advocating for marginalized groups in her school and community.

As a leader of her school’s SHADES Club, Alexandra collaborated with the Black Professional Group at Bank of America to coordinate a Back-to-School Drive. She developed a proposal for her school administration to provide equitable college counseling for students of color, a 3% increase in black faculty by 2030, and inclusion of minority students in diversity meetings. Her AP African American Studies proposal was used to address racism in and out of the classroom. She is also an intern for the Mercer County Clerk’s Office, assisting with projects to inform those without citizenship about their rights.

2023 Youth Leadership Awards

The LWVLT presented the two awards at its Annual Meeting & Potluck Picnic on Sunday, June 25, 2023 at the Veterans Park Pavilion in Lawrence Township. Each winner received a $500 award in recognition of their achievement and dedication to their community.

"We congratulate our inspiring winners and all this year's worthy applicants. The League is here to support, applaud, and promote our next generation of civic leaders. Community members are invited to contribute to the LWVLT Youth Leadership Award fund. All proceeds go directly to the students.”
Youth Leadership Award




LWVLT Co-Chairs: Nicole Plett & Kate Schumacher
Phone: 609-301-0401
League of Women Voters of New Jersey:
League of Women Voters U.S.: